Developing Obal

Obal is written with support for Python 2.7 and Python 3.5 or higher. To provide the command line we rely on the Python built in argparse and Ansible. For testing we use Pytest but this is wrapped up with Tox to test multiple environments.

Writing actions

All Ansible is contained in obal/data. There we have playbooks, roles and modules.

A playbook with metadata is considered an action and exposed to the user as such.

Writing playbooks

We have a slightly non-standard playbooks layout. Every playbook is contained in its own directory and named after the directory, like release/release.yaml for the release action. It can also contain a metadata.obal.yaml. While playbooks are pure Ansible, the metadata is the data Obal needs to extract to build a CLI.

Obal uses the inventory to operate on. The inventory is typically composed of packages, but there are some special hosts:

  • localhost
  • packages

As with regular Ansible, localhost is used to operate on the local machine. This is typically used to setup or work on environments.

Packages is the entire set of all packages. These are exposed on the command line to users so they can operate on a limited set of packages.

Within Ansible playbooks you can choose on which inventory items to operate through hosts. We set the additional limitation that hosts must always be a list. Our setup playbook is an example of a local connection:

- name: Setup system for use of obal
    - localhost
  connection: local
    - name: Install required packages
      become: true
        state: present
          - rpm-build
          - koji
          - "{{ 'git-annex' if ansible_distribution_major_version == '7' else 'git-annex-standalone' }}"
          - tito
          - scl-utils
          - scl-utils-build
          - rpmlint
          - yum-utils
          - which
          - dnf
          - dnf-plugins-core

    - name: Install required Fedora packages
      when: ansible_os_family == 'Fedora'
      become: true
        state: present
          - quvi

When dealing with packages we typically include the package_variables role to set various variables:

- name: Add a changelog entry
    - packages
  serial: 1
  gather_facts: false
    - spec_file
    - name: 'Ensure changelog entry'
        spec: "{{ spec_file_path }}"
        entry: "{{ changelog | default('- rebuilt') }}"

Exposing playbooks using metadata

By default Obal exposes a playbook based on its name. It can also automatically detect whether it accepts a packages parameter. To provide a better experience we introduce metadata via metadata.obal.yaml in the same directory.

An example:

help: >
  Short description

  Full text
  on multiple lines

  with an explicit newline
    help: Automatically determined parameter
    parameter: --explicit
    help: Explicitly specified parameter
    action: store_true
    help: Action that stores true if passed
    action: store_false
    help: Action that stores false if passed
    action: append
    help: Repeatable action
    parameter: --my-list
    action: append
    help: Repeatable action

The help text is a top level key. The first line is used in obal --help:

usage: obal [-h] action ...

positional arguments:
  action          which action to execute
    dummy         Short description

optional arguments:
  -h, --help      show this help message and exit

When we execute obal dummy --help we see more show up:

 usage: obal dummy [-h] [-v] [-e EXTRA_VARS]
               [--automatic AUTOMATIC]
               [--explicit MAPPED]
               package [package ...]

Short description

Full text on multiple lines
with an explicit newline

positional arguments:
  package               the package to build

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose         verbose output
  --automatic AUTOMATIC
                        Automatically determined parameter
  --explicit MAPPED     Explicitly specified parameter

advanced arguments:
  -e EXTRA_VARS, --extra-vars EXTRA_VARS
                        set additional variables as key=value or YAML/JSON, if
                        filename prepend with @


Help is a string at the top level in the metadata with some additional newline handling.

Multiple lines are joined but a single empty line indicates a newline. A double empty line indicates a new paragraph.

The first line is taken as a short description while the full text is included in the commands --help as can be seen above.


Variables is a mapping at the top level in the metadata.

For every variable the key is the variable in Ansible. It also needs a help. The most minimal variant for a changelog playbook:

    help: The changelog message

This results into the following obal changelog --help output:

 usage: obal changelog [-h] [-v] [-e EXTRA_VARS]
                       [--changelog CHANGELOG]
                       package [package ...]

 The changelog command writes a RPM changelog entry for the current version and release.

 positional arguments:
   package               the package to build

 optional arguments:
   -h, --help            show this help message and exit
   -v, --verbose         verbose output
   --changelog CHANGELOG
                         The text for the changelog entry

Now you might notice that this results in a obal changelog --changelog "my message" which feels a bit redundant. That’s why there’s mapping built in.

      help: The changelog message
      parameter: --message

This results into the following help:

  usage: obal changelog [-h] [-v] [-e EXTRA_VARS]
                        [--message CHANGELOG]
                        package [package ...]

  The changelog command writes a RPM changelog entry for the current version and release.

  positional arguments:
    package               the package to build

  optional arguments:
    -h, --help            show this help message and exit
    -v, --verbose         verbose output
    --message CHANGELOG   The text for the changelog entry

There is also support for automatic removal of namespaces.

      help: The author of the changelog entry

When we run this within the changelog playbook, this is translated into:

                      The author of the changelog entry

Sometimes you just want to store a boolean. For this we expose the argparse action:

      action: store_true
      help: To indicate this is a scratch build

Which translates into:

--scratch             To indicate this is a scratch build

Calling obal release --scratch will result in ansible-playbook release -e '{"scratch": true}'.

The store_false behaves in the same way as store_true but with a different value.

Storing lists can be done with the append action. It’s exposed as a repeatable argument:

      parameter: --releaser
      action: append
      help: Specifiy the releasers

Calling obal release --releaser first --releaser second will translate to ansible-playbook release -e '{"releasers": ["first", "second"]}'.

Fixing the tests

First of all, the tests for various playbooks are stored in tests/

  • test_takes_package_argument verifies whether there’s an action parameter. Most playbooks do, but if yours doesn’t then it must be added.
  • test_is_documented verifies you’re written a help text for your playbook.
  • test_help captures the help texts in tests/fixtures/help to ensure there are no unintended changes. Rendered output is easier to review. Because manually copying output is stupid, we automatically store the output if the file is missing. To update the content, remove it and run the tests (pytest tests/ -v). Note it marks that test as skipped. Running it again should mark it as passed.

Releasing obal

Before creating a new release, it’s best to check if there are issues or pull requests that should be merged.

To create a new release, we use bump2version for version bumping. It can be installed via pip but using the Fedora package is easier. Note it’s named after the predecessor that halted development, but we actually need the fork for signed tags:

$ sudo dnf install bumpversion

Ensure you are on the latest commit:

$ git checkout master $ git pull

To decide on the next version, the git log is a good indicator. We can either do a major, minor or patch release:

$ bumpversion patch

This will modify all the files containing the version number, create a git commit and a GPG signed git tag. Once this is pushed, GitHub Actions will release it to PyPI:

$ git push