Obal actions

available options

Options can be either set on the command line via -e key=val or in the package_manifest file (preferred).

  • build_package_build_system: which build system should be used, default: koji, supported: koji, copr
  • build_package_koji_command: when using koji build system, which command to use to call it, default: koji, supported: koji, brew, anything else
  • build_package_tito_args: any args that should be passed to tito, default: ‘’
  • build_package_scratch: when building a package, should a scratch build be done, default: false (unless you run obal scratch, of course)
  • build_package_test: when building a package with tito, should –test be passed to it, default: false
  • build_package_tito_releaser_args: any args that should be passed to tito release, default: []
  • build_package_wait: wait for package to be built on the build system, default: true
  • build_package_download_logs: download build logs from the build system after the build has finished, default: false
  • diff_package_type: which build system to query for built packages, default: koji, supported: koji, copr
  • diff_package_koji_command: when using koji build system, which command to use to call it, default: koji, supported: koji, brew, anything else
  • diff_package_skip: should packages be built without checking the build system, default: true
  • scl: which SCL, if any, belong the packages to, defaults to False (no SCL)